Fresh Start CoffeeHouse is a nonprofit venture dedicated to helping formerly incarcerated individuals and addiction survivors with meaningful employment. We desire to support the rebuilding of lives with each employee through discovery of their personal purposes, gifts and callings. Our vision is to empower those who come to us to participate fully in the economic and social life of our community. We believe such employment leads to financial freedom which is instrumental in the healing journey.
To provide a bridge to hope, restoration and dignity for discounted, marginalized members of the Monroe community who are ready to redirect their lives and become contributing members of society.
To assist each person in the discovery of their personal purpose, gifts and callings which, for whatever reasons, have been stifled and unrecognized. And, through compassion, restore them to themselves.
To empower those who come to us to participate fully in the economic, social, and political life of our community.
Fresh Start CoffeeHouse is just the beginning of a greater venture, Vineyard Village, where additional shops and enterprises will provide careers for people in reentry or recovery into a new life. This PoC includes:
> State of the art CoffeeHouse with a warm, welcoming atmosphere.
> Meeting Rooms for short term rental or longer term lease by individuals, organizations and corporate use.
> Live Music
> Available to be used for small gatherings.
> Current Hours 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM Wednesday thru Friday and Saturdays 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Meeting space available by request for other times.
> Closed Sundays, Mondays & Tuesdays.